A Calculated Diet for Muscle Mass & Fat Loss

For that reason, when calculating the number of calories burned, use is an approach that is based on gender, age, height and weight that the user enters into the application. Sometimes someone's condition, based on the amount of exercise that he/she does per week, is also taken into account.
Nutrition is very important for building muscle mass. Nutrition is the reach your desination! To begin with, we need to determine how many calories you need per day to grow. Then we divide these calories into the different food sources of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. I'll show you exactly how and what to eat to build muscle mass! I've worked it out using the example of someone weighing 80 kilos.
For those who are in a hurry to lose body fat, I have come across a little known scientific method to Melt Away All Your Unwanted Stubborn Body Fat in Just 14 Days!!
Watch it in this video
Nutrition is very important, whether you want to lose weight or want to build muscle in addition.
By way of correct nutrition, you will achieve your desire...
And in this case.. BOTH!!
The first thing we need to find out is how many kcal per day you burn. There is such a thing as the BMR (Base Metabolic Rate), or the resting metabolism. This is the amount of calories you burn if you do absolutely nothing. Everything you do - no matter how little the activity is - is counted on top of it.
A rule of thumb is to multiply your bodyweight in kilos by 27. Now you have approximately the number of calories you burn on a day at rest. Add your activities here. An 80 kg person with an office job that trains an hour a day has approximately 80 x 27 + 400 burns = 2560 kcal. It is not very important to know the exact number of kcal, we can always adjust it later. In order to arrive in quality muscle mass now (and not in fat mass), we increase the number of kcal that you burn with 400 kcal. A person weighing 80 kilos comes to 2960 kcal. Let's take this as the base to calculate our diet.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Daily Calorie Needs - Calculator Online (Harris-Benedict equation)
- 30% of the total kcal will come from protein, since 1 gram of protein contains 4 kcal, the total protein intake is 0.3 x 2960 = 888: 4 = 222 grams of protein.
- 55% of the total kcal will come from carbohydrates, since 1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4 kcal, the total carbohydrate intake is 0.55 x 2960 = 1628: 4 = 407 grams of carbohydrate
- 15% of the total kcal will come from fats, as 1 gram of fat contains 9 kcal, the total fat intake is 0.15 x 2960 = 444: 9 = 49 grams of fat.
Good protein sources are: poultry (turkey, chicken fillet), lean meats (steak), dairy products (quark, skim milk, yoghurt), protein shakes, meal replacement shakes and lean fish (salmon, tuna). Good carbohydrate sources are brown rice, wholemeal bread, vegetables, breakfast cereals (oatmeal, brinta), potatoes and kidney beans. You can add fats in the form of e.g. olive oil.
The meals
The breakfast
This is the most important meal of the day, besides the meal after the training. Your body needs a lot of nutrition right now, both complex carbohydrates and protein. Eat as much as possible. E.g. a 1/2 liter yogurt with whey protein powder and 100 grams of muesli.
The meal between breakfast and lunch
This meal should contain a lot of protein with moderate carbohydrates. E.g. a can of water-based tuna mixed with some pineapple and ketchup. If you do not have time to make this meal, replace this meal and the meal before the training with a meal replacement. Meal replacements consist of a balanced composition of proteins and carbohydrates.
This meal should contain a lot of complex carbohydrates and also a good protein source. E.g. a bowl of fruit curd, 2 slices of bread with chicken breast and a glass of orange juice.
The meal before the training
This meal should be consumed at least one hour before the training. The goal is to provide you with sufficient energy during training and to prevent muscle breakdown. E.g. a bowl of low-fat fruit curds and a banana. Or replace this meal with a meal replacement.
The meal after the training
This meal actually consists of two parts and, like breakfast, it must contain a lot of carbohydrates and proteins. The first meal comes immediately after the training. E.g. a weight gainer. Your body is crying for sugars right now, therefore a liquid meal is the first choice, it can be recorded right away. The second meal consists of solid food and is best taken 45 minutes later. Rice with turkey breast and lots of vegetables would be a good choice here.
The last meal
It is better not to take carbohydrates now, your burn is now lower and these carbohydrates are no longer used. They are then stored as fat reserves. Take a meal that contains about 30 grams of protein before bedtime. E.g. a half bowl of low-fat French cottage cheese, 150 gr of fish or a protein shake.
Before you start measuring your fat percentage (with a fat clipper), measure your fat percentage again if you have followed this diet for a week. If the fat percentage has decreased, add 200 kcal per day. If it has increased, take 200 kcal per day less. This way you automatically arrive at your ideal calorie intake. But keep doing this, if you increase in weight, your burn will also be higher and you will need more kcal.
Here's the example diet for someone weighing 80 kilos
You can replace the above calculation based on your own body weight. I hope that you have gained value out of this.
But what if..
..You didn't have the luxury of time..
..there's that cousin's wedding around the corner..
..or your own wedding around the corner..
..or that crucial and important conference or client meeting
..or the big job interview
And you NEED to look in Shape NO MATTER WHAT?
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