Thursday, June 13, 2019

Drink away your Fats!!!

The best drinks to burn fat

These drinks not only give you a feeling of satiety and help you lose weight. Their best feature is that they also ensure that you eliminate toxins and stay hydrated.
If you try to lose weight, you ensure a healthy diet and adequate exercise.Also use the following drinks to burn fat.
You can easily make these drinks. They are tasty and especially very effective!

Lose weight with a few healthy drinks to burn fat

First of all, drink (at least) two liters of water per day. But we also recommend that you also use at least one of these fat-burning drinks.
If you follow a balanced diet and train three times a week, you will notice results very quickly, but you should always keep in mind that there are no miraculous magic formulas.

Vegetable juices

Drink fresh vegetable juice before every meal . It will satisfy your appetite and ensure that you absorb fewer calories. Vegetables contain many nutrients when they are not prepared. You can make your favorite combinations, for example celery with carrots and broccoli.
In addition, vegetable smoothies are the perfect drink to drink between meals, as they prevent you from eating other things (especially snacks that are high in fat or pastries).
During the summer, they are also ideal for quenching your thirst. You can also use them as a meal.

Water and lemon is one of the best drinks to burn fat

Water with lemon is one of the best drinks to burn fat

You already know that water is essential to remove toxins from the body. Add some lemon to the water, because that also makes it possible to detoxify the liver. Moreover, it helps to convert the fat that accumulates around your belly and your waist better.
  • Warm water with lemon promotes the production of digestive enzymes.These components are responsible for the burning of fat. They also ensure better functioning of the liver.
  • Lemon is a great citrus that contains many antioxidants. It makes the skin healthier and more beautiful, for example by destroying the bacteria that cause acne.
  • But that's not all. Warm water also reduces constipation and cleans the colon.
Which ingredients do you need?
  • 250 ml of warm water
  • the juice of half a lemon

Artichoke water

Artichokes are one of the vegetables that have the greatest moisture repellent.
Artichoke water is healthy and effective because it detoxifies the liver. It removes fat and toxins from the liver.
It is not only eating artichokes that is healthy. We therefore advise you not to throw away the moisture that remains after cooking ... Drink it like a broth!

Fat-burning white tea

White tea is one of the best drinks to burn fat

We know green tea well because its properties help to lose weight, but we must not forget that white tea also offers health benefits.
White tea is one of the best drinks to burn fat. It mainly has effects on the abdomen. Moreover, it is also a nice drink that has other benefits. It reduces cholesterol, among other things.
You can drink up to three cups per day. White tea tea bags can be found in diet and health food stores. You can sweeten the tea with honey.
  • Maybe you can't find white tea or you choose to change the taste of your tea now and then. Then try other teas.
  • You can also use herbal teas from dandelion, nettle or laurel.
  • All of these teas possess moisture-absorbing properties that not only help to remove moisture, but also to remove fat.

Have you heard of the new hot beverage folks are drinking in the morning that burns more fat than a morning jog in the cold and dark?

And the more often you drink it the better it works. Because it actually transforms your body to burn fat all the time, even when you’re sitting around doing nothing!

Plus it actually works the best if you’ve got 20lbs or more to get rid of...

If you do, some folks are losing up to 23lbs of fat in just 21 days — 1.09lbs a day — by drinking it every morning…

The recipe is super easy to make in your own kitchen.

Add this to your morning routine. And let me know how delicious it is, ok…

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Muscle Building Tips for the Ectomorph

If you do strength training , it is useful to know what type of body you have so that you can adjust your training and diet accordingly . In this article we discuss some tips for the ectomorph. An ectomorph has the body type that is most often seen on the pages of fashion magazines. They are slim boned, long-limbed, lithe and have very little body fat and little muscle. Ectomorphs tend to have fragile, delicately built bodies and find it difficult to gain weight or add muscle. Supermodels, ballerinas and basketball players most commonly fall into this group
An ectomorph is typically someone who naturally has a fast metabolism and has to work extra hard to gain muscle mass. This does not mean that the ectomorph cannot build muscle mass; the process will only take a little longer.
The body types
Everyone is naturally innate with a certain body type, we distinguished the following three:
1. Ectormorph
This is someone with a lot of effort to develop muscle mass. These are often long and thin people who can eat infinitely without getting anything. The ectomorph has thin muscles and has an extremely fast metabolism.
2. Mesomorphic
The mesomorph has the most suitable body for fitness. The forms of the mesomorph are by nature already in correct proportions. The mesomorph has a large chest and has a lot of talent to gain in muscle mass.
3. Endomorphic
This is someone with a lot of talent to put on weight. The endomorph has a low metabolism and builds muscle mass less quickly than the mesomorph. It is Often the case that an endomorphic has wide hips and a round face.
It is not that you always fall into one category of body type. No one is 100% ectomorphic, mesomorphic or endomorphic. These guidelines are only an indication to see what type of body you have, often you are a combination of the above body types.
Fast metabolism
The ectomorph has long bones, small shoulders and little muscle mass. As an ectomorph, fitness can sometimes be very frustrating. They can be very dedicated and hang around for hours in the gym without seeing a small amount of results. Although ectomorphs have a great deal of difficulty building muscle mass, they have the advantage that they have a low percentage of fat , making them naturally 'dry'.
Ectomorphs have a very fast metabolism so that they can literally eat anything they want. Because the ectomorphs naturally have a fast metabolism, it can sometimes be difficult to eat above the energy requirement. The problem is often that ectomorphs think they are eating enough, but apparently it is still not enough. If you want to build up muscle mass as ectomorphic, you will have to EAT MORE . "Eat Big to get Big"
Ectomorphs should take an example of sumo wrestlers . Sumo wrestlers have an extremely high amount of fat-free muscle mass. You would not think this at first sight, but under the thick layer of fat these are probably the most muscled athletes on earth.
Building muscle mass Ectomorphs tips
Ectomorphs therefore have to eat more daily than they need to gain muscle mass. Apart from ' overeating ', ectomorphs can follow the tips below to grow faster.
1. Focus on compound exercises
Compound exercises load multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This makes it possible to pack heavier weights and make multiple muscle groups work in one exercise. This saves valuable time in the gym. In addition, doing compound exercises has a positive influence on the human growth hormone. Below is a list of good compound exercises:
·         Squat (Click here to learn the best technique)
·         Deadlift
·         Dips
·         Pull up
·         Seated row
·         Bench press
·         Neck press

2. Take Creatine
Anyone who has difficulty in gaining muscle mass should use Creatine. With Creatine you have just a bit more strength and endurance to get the most out of your training. It is the number one supplement used by strength athletes who need to stay at the top of their game. 
Read this article on the scientific reason you HAVE to try Creatine, and how to use it to your winning advantage. It will slow down the need to EAT MORE in order to gain muscle.
3. Train more often
Ectomorphs recover faster from a workout because they carry less fat. Fat converts testosterone into estrogen; an Endomorphic person (higher fat percentage) has less testosterone than an ectomorph. Higher testosterone values ​​result in faster muscle recovery. In order to quickly build up muscle mass, it is therefore advisable to train more often for an ectomorph.
4. Correct exercise technique
This sounds obvious, but an ectomorph often wants to build up as much muscle mass as possible. As a result, they often take too much weight so that the execution of the exercise is no longer optimal.
It is important that you perform the exercises in the correct way. The posture and speed with which you perform the exercise are more important than the weight. Make sure that you have mastered the technique and then only then should you increase weights.
5. Variation in training
Constantly training the same means that your body adjusts to this and therefore no longer grows. If you want to build muscle mass you will have to continue to surprise and stimulate the body by doing different exercises. Below are some ideas that you can use to vary in your schedule.
·         Very slow execution of a 'rep'
·         Less rest between the sets
·         Train heavier than the week before
·         Increase intensity by, for example, ' supersets ' or ' dropsets '
·         Vary in number of repetitions

6. No cardio
Because as an ectomorph you already have an extremely fast metabolism by nature, it is not wise to do cardio besides the strength training. If you still want to do a form of cardio to work on your stamina, then it is best to opt for short intensive cardio sessions (HIIT).
When you want to build up muscle mass as an ectomorph, you really have to be dedicated to the sport. It will take a lot of time and will not be easy. Once you have built up a lot of muscle mass, you will have a body where many men are jealous because of your low fat percentage!

Friday, July 27, 2018

The way to look ABS-olutely Great!

A six pack is not an easy goal to reach. Contrary to what is often thought, it takes more than abdominal exercises to get a six pack. Ultimately, your fat percentage should also be low enough to see your abdominal muscles. Food plays an important role in this.  Please read through my blog page that talks about a diet focused on muscle-building, so that you can very easily calculate your own customized diet and plan exactly what to eat when in the form of a diet chart.

Even though you are relatively slim, if you can not see your muscles in your stomach, then it means that there is still too much fat to reveal a six pack.

However, if your diet is already in order and you are already actively reducing your fat percentage, then training your abs is definitely the next step. And to help you with that, I've made a list of the best abdominal exercises.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Role of Creatine in Muscle Building

On lists of 'essential supplements' you often come across creatine. There are therefore many people who just take the stuff because it just seems to belong to it. On the other side of the spectrum there are also people who do not use supplements at all. For example, they assume that it will not do anything.
In both cases a lot of improvement is possible! And certainly with creatine, which can sometimes be useful. In today's article we answer all questions about it. What is creatine? How do you use it? And perhaps most importantly: do you need it?
Supercharge your workout with Creatine Monohydrate. Follow the footsteps of Professional athletes and bodybuilders. Click here to claim your Bottle.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a so-called organic nitrogen compound. That may sound a bit scary, but the material naturally occurs in your own body. Your liver takes care of the production, based on a number of amino acids. In addition, you always get something inside through your food. These are available mainly in meat and fish.
Creatine plays a role in the energy supply of especially your muscles. 95% of your body stock is stored there: when you have to exercise briefly and explosively, your muscles can use it. The rest is spread over your heart, brain and genitals.

What does creatine do?

As mentioned before, creatine is mainly used in heavy efforts. For your muscles, it is an energy supply that can be used to extract lightning speed when needed. In other words: if you are really exercising with maximum weights, then creatine would definitely make a difference. Of course you always have a body's stock of it.
By taking an extra supplement, however, you ensure that the stock is maximally standard. And that means that during training you can give a little more than if you would have saved a little less creatine. In this way you press more repetitions, with more results as a result.

Does creatine really help?

What is above is of course the theoretical story. Of many supplements you can also think of why they should do something, but that does not always mean that the difference is noticeable. However, creatine is a substance that many people do notice. Approximately three-quarters of strength athletes achieve better results.

However, it differs per person how big the difference is. For example, if you already eat a lot of meat and fish, your stocks are probably already quite full. The creatine will then do less than with vegetarians. Advanced strength athletes also have much more to offer than beginners. If you have been developing your muscles for a short time, that small boost is just not that significant.

Some of us are, by nature, Ectomorphs. An ectomorph is typically someone who naturally has a fast metabolism and has to work extra hard to gain muscle mass. In order to gain muscle mass, Ectomorphs need to eat more. But because the ectomorphs naturally have a fast metabolism, it can sometimes be difficult to eat above the energy requirement. In such a situation Creatine just might be your saviour. Creatine gives Ectomorphs the ability to overcome the difficulty in building muscle.  

Do I have to use creatine?

Of course that does not mean that creatine is a must-have for all strength athletes. You can do well without it. But are you an advanced strength athlete, and are you looking for an extra incentive? Then this is one of the few that can really do what he promises. That does not mean of course that his supplement will double your muscles immediately.

Is creatine healthy?

So far the question 'what is creatine?' We now come to the next point, namely: how do you use creatine? A first question is of course whether the stuff is actually not unhealthy. Fortunately, we can be brief about this: research has not yet found any significant disadvantages. That is of course subject to the condition that you use the creatine in a reasonable way.
Like most things in life, taking too much of this supplement is unhealthy. In the case of creatine overuse, your liver and kidneys become considerably overloaded. But with proper discretion, creatine use would not cause any damage in your body.

Break periods

It is wise, however, not to use creatine as a lifelong supplement. There is very little research that establishes the exact effects of really long-term and constant use. But scientists still fear that it could weaken the body's production of creatine. That is, of course, annoying, because nobody wants to be dependent supplements.
The usual approach is to use the supplement no more than six weeks in a row. It is then advised to observe a four-week break period. In this manner you prevent the body's natural production of creatine from being disturbed too much.

Drink enough Fluids!

The other important conditions for safe use of creatine is that you drink enough with it. Creatine is stored in the muscles with the help of moisture. You therefore consume extra water, which could lead to dehydration. Muscle cramps and an irritated stomach can also be part of the side effects.
So make sure you get at least that two liters of water daily! If you suffer from side effects in the beginning, it may be wise to drink a little more. If the side effects persist, it is of course better to just stop with the supplement.

The best creatine

Then one last frequently asked question: what is the best creatine? We can imagine that you quickly get confused, because there is a lot of creatine for sale.Every kind also makes the most beautiful claims, so what do you have to believe? My suggestion is to keep it nice and normal and just choose standard creatine monohydrate.
That is often the cheapest and best available type. For the time being there are few indications that more advanced products work better. Choose a trusted brand of good quality, even though that may not be the most advantageous. This way you can be sure that you will receive an effective and safe product. Click here to try out your first Bottle.

Drink away your Fats!!!

The best drinks to burn fat These drinks not only give you a feeling of satiety and help you lose weight.   Their best feature is that t...